Thursday, July 24, 2008

Salmson: Stainless Steel Multistage Horizontal Pumps

MULTI-H Hydromini

2 ranges: stainless steel 304 and 316L

Flow rates up to: 25 m3/h
Head up to: 70 m CE

Applications: Pumping or clear non-loaded fluids in the housing, agriculture and industrial sectors:
- Conveyance - Overpressure
- Sprinkling - Irrigation
- Washing station
- Draining - Filling (ponds, pools, etc.)
- Heating - Air conditioning
- Water treatment (demineralization, filtering, etc.)

Pumped fluids:
* 304 range: clear non-aggressive liquids (drinking water, glycol water, etc)
* 316L range: aggressive liquids (sea water, demineralized water, chlorinated water, etc)

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